Changing So Fast
As you probably noticed the world around you is changing so quickly, politically, financially,
and always musically and not always for the better,but there you are still in the mist of all the chaos it can get hard to turn down the volume of all the crazy things going on and just escape the grind of the everyday hustle and bustle of Life.
Its easy to get caught up in it all and forget whats really important to us, with all the voices
pulling at us the idea of keeping motivated and focus in and of itself seems near to impossible.I’m sure you can relate.
I find at times lately the harder I try get something done if I dont make
a real decision or make time to do something and stick to it, it just becomes a dark cloud that tends to fester in my mind and can truly make you miserably frustrated and stressed out if you let it.
Ive been overwhelmed at times with so much on my plate to the point of just totally saying
screw it why even try to write music or work on a new hobby if nobody really in the end
gives a crap.
Maybe that’s the time to step back for a moment catch our breath stop and smell
the roses and unplug and look around at the beauty of Creation and get a scope of the
Big Picture that maybe it isn’t all about us and the things going on around us isn’t
as big of a deal as we first thought it to be.
sometimes its good to set back and enjoy some of the old bands you haven’t heard for years
that bring back memories of a simpler time when things weren’t as fast pace as it is now or something to rock too, a Song that causes you to head bang and dance crazy.
I heard a song like that lately and I talked the band into making a remake of it called
“The Pot by The Band Tool”….
It to me isn’t like the most relaxing song by no means but it spoke to my frustration I was
definitely feeling at that time and so for the fun of it we made a recording of it,there’s
certainly flaws all over the place and not as good as them by a long shot, but it was a
blast to do.
I believe it really helped to just have fun instead of thinking about having to come up
with a new song of our own and looking back i think it contributed to the band becoming
more closer of why we got into this thing in the first place is to have fun and enjoy Music.
The Song isn’t for sale but as a Thank You for being a Subscriber we would like to give it
to you free – no strings attached
Download our version of THE POT here
If you like the track you might also consider checking out LEVEL.Its our latest EP
that we think you might enjoy as well
Talk soon.
Music that helps you burn pent energy and frustration sounds like a good thing to me. Kind of like a work out 🙂 Keep up the good work!